Chatbots Widget

AI Chatbots Widget


Enhance your website's user experience with our AI Chatbots Widget. Acting as a virtual assistant, it delivers guidance on services, products, and updates, mirroring the effectiveness of actual customer service.

Effortless Integration

With our JavaScript SDK, you can have the AI Widget up and running on your website in minutes.

Multi-Language Support

Our AI Widget service comes with robust multi-language support, enabling you to engage with a diverse audience seamlessly.

Multi way to Train

Our AI Widget service offers versatile training options that allow you to train your bots using various data sources.

Multi-Language Support
Train Bots via Website, PDF, and Excel
The Benefits of Our AI Widget Service
Multi-Language Support

Multi-Language Support

In an increasingly globalized market, the ability to communicate with customers in their preferred language is crucial. Our AI Widget service comes with robust multi-language support, enabling you to engage with a diverse audience seamlessly. Whether your customers speak English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, or any other language, our AI can handle it.

The multi-language feature is not just limited to basic translations. Our AI is trained to understand the nuances and context of different languages, ensuring that the interactions are as natural and effective as possible. This allows you to provide a personalized and inclusive experience for all your users, regardless of their language preference.

Train Bots via Website, PDF, and Excel

Train Bots via Website, PDF, and Excel

To truly harness the power of AI, customization is key. Our AI Widget service offers versatile training options that allow you to train your bots using various data sources. You can easily upload information directly via our intuitive website interface, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly experience.

Moreover, our service supports training through PDF and Excel files. This flexibility means you can leverage existing documents, spreadsheets, and other resources to quickly and effectively train your bots. Whether you have product catalogs, FAQs, user manuals, or any other type of data, our AI can learn from it and provide accurate, relevant responses to your customers.

The Benefits of Our AI Widget Service

The Benefits of Our AI Widget Service

Enhanced Customer Interaction: Provide instant, accurate responses to customer queries, improving satisfaction and engagement.

Increased Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks and free up your team to focus on more complex issues.

Scalability: Easily scale your AI capabilities as your business grows, without significant additional investment.

Cost-Effective: Reduce operational costs by leveraging AI for tasks that would otherwise require human intervention.

Insightful Analytics: Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences through interaction data.


Flexible Pricing.

Use customer data to build great and solid product experiences that convert.

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